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Horses of all colors galloping in pasture

ABRA Buckskin Bred Program

ATTENTION PAINT, PINTO & APPALOOSAS, your equine may now qualify for the ABRA Buckskin Bred Program’s new rules.


How do you know if your paint, appaloosa, pinto-patterned horse qualifies?


In 2025, the American Buckskin Registry Association expanded the Buckskin Bred Program to include non-ABRA colored equines that have an ABRA-colored equine ancestor within four (4) generations of their pedigree.


Additionally, Paint, Pinto, and Appaloosa patterned horses that have an ABRA base-coat color (buckskin, dun, red dun, grulla, and perlino dun) may now be registered into the ABRA Buckskin Bred Program also.

This means your paint, pinto, appaloosa, etc., may be eligible to register and show at the 2025 ABRA World Championships in BBP classes as well as any of the Futurities and Ranch Challenge, which are already open to any color/age/breed.


Check your horse’s pedigree on and look for a dun, buckskin, red dun, grulla, or perlino dun dam or sire for a chance to become a part of the American Buckskin Registry and compete for regional and national awards, look for a Charter Club in your area on and attend local events. 


If you own offspring from one of the following sires that carry at least one colored parent (whose base color is dun, buckskin, red dun, grulla, and perlino dun) from either sire or dam lineage up to four generations back, then your horse is now eligible to register and show in the ABRA Buckskin Bred Program with this new rule.  


The following partial list of non-ABRA registered sires may have offspring that are now eligible to register within the Buckskin Bred Program:

  • Machine Made

  • Lazy Loper

  • My Sleepy Valentine

  • Heart Stoppin

  • The Lopin Machine

  • VS Code Blue

  • The Extreme Machine

  • Fire N Ice

  • Good Better Best

  • The Best Martini

  • RL Best of Sudden

  • Good I Will Be

  • Bank On The Best

  • Im Willy Fabulous

  • Millionaire Machine

  • First Thingz First

  • Salt On The Rocks 

  • VS Phantom Code 

  • All Time Fancy 

  • Lopin My Best

  • Potential Investment

  • Invest Your Bucks

  • Plenty White Wood

  • Dakota Goose

  • Frostys War Chief

  • PC Frosty Bid

  • Frenchmans Guy

  • Fritz Leo Command

  • Hollywood Dun It

  • Blondys Driftin Dude

  • Tuf N Busy

  • Bueno Chex

  • Poco Tivio Chex

  • Dual Spark

  • Shining Spark

  • Invested Gold

  • Hollywood Vintage

(this list is preliminary; there may be additional sires to add)

REG104 BUCKSKIN BRED PROGRAM (BBP) REG104.1 Any equine found ineligible for regular registration within ABRA may qualify for the Buckskin Bred Program provided parentage can be verified, conformation requirements are met, and color qualifications can be proven as follows:


REG104.1.2  In order to be eligible for the BBP Program an equine must have an individual in their pedigree that meets ABRA Regular Registry guidelines within the Fourth Generation. This would include Sire, Grand Sire, Great Grand Sire, Great Great Grand Sire or Dam, Grand Dam, Great Grand Dam, Great Great Grand Dam.


REG104.1.3 A Complimentary Sire, Grand Sire, Great Grand Sire, Great Great Grand Sire or Dam, Grand Dam, Great Grand Dam, Great Great Grand Dam, that meets the ABRA Regular Registry guidelines and is not currently registered with ABRA can be considered; however,at least one of following must be registrable in the ABRA Regular Registry to qualify; Sire, Grand Sire, Great Grand Sire, Great Great Grand Sire or Dam, Grand Dam, Great Grand Dam, Great Great Grand Dam.


REG104.2 Equines with basecoats recognized within the ABRA Regular Registry guidelines who possess white markings outside  of the current ABRA illustration (Paints, Pintos, Appaloosas, Quarter Horses, etc) may be registered under the Hardship Clause  (REG124) and allowed to show within the Buckskin Bred Program. Hardship and registration fees will apply.


REG105 BUCKSKIN BRED PROGRAM (BBP) REQUIREMENTS: REG105.1  The owner must supply four (4) color photographs (front, back, and each side of the equine) along with the BBP Application for Registration. See REG115


REG105.1.2 All documents, photographs, etc become property of ABRA. REG105.3 Equine registered in the Buckskin Bred Program will be eligible to exhibit in any BBP classes offered at an ABRA-approved event provided that the owner and exhibitor have met the membership requirements for exhibition. 2025 American Buckskin Registry Association 35REG105.4 Concurrent ABRA Regular Registry or Buckskin Bred Program classes see SHW800.2.



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