Colors Eligible for Regular Registration
The ABRA is an equine color registry with five colors eligible for regular registration. There are many variations in the colors.
Perlino with Dun Factor
Body coat shades of cream with pink skin and (usually) blue eyes. Mane, tail, legs are darker than their coat color in shades of red, coffee or tan. Points, dorsal stripe, zebra stripe and other Dun Factor markings may be reddish to brown. The Dorsal stripe must run the entire length of the topline.
An equine whose body coat is of a color other than buckskin, dun, red dun, grulla or dunalino is not acceptable even though they possess dun factor markings.
No equine is eligible for registration in the Regular Registry, which possesses body markings or conditions characteristic of a Paint, Pinto, or Appaloosa.
No equine that exhibits Gray or Roan characteristics/genes, even though they may possess dun factor markings, is eligible for registration