ABRA Leasing Options for Horse Showing & Breeding

Amateur Lease: $100
15-day Rush: $25
Amateur Show Lease
An amateur may exhibit an ABRA registered horse in amateur classes that are leased in the amateur’s name.
The Amateur lease application form must be accompanied by:
Lease fee payment fee
Copy of both sides of the ABRA horse registration papers
A signed authorization letter from the last recorded owner
Copy of the owner’s ABRA membership card
This application must be filed in the ABRA office at least 30 days before showing the horse in ABRA amateur classes.

Youth Lease: $50
15-day Rush: $25
Youth Show Lease
A youth may exhibit an ABRA registered horse in youth classes that are leased in the youth’s name.
The youth lease application form must be accompanied by:
Lease fee payment
Copy of both sides of the ABRA horse registration papers
A signed authorization letter from the last recorded owner
Copy of the owner & Lessee ABRA membership card
The lease will expire December 31 of the applicable show year.