Youth Show Lease
A youth may exhibit an ABRA registered horse in youth classes that are leased in the youth’s name.
The youth lease application form must be accompanied by:
Lease fee payment
Copy of both sides of the ABRA horse registration papers
A signed authorization letter from the last recorded owner
Copy of the owner & Lessee ABRA membership card
The lease will expire December 31 of the applicable show year.
An official ABRA embossed Youth Exhibition Lease acknowledgment will be sent to the named youth. This acknowledgment should be presented to show management with the following:
Copy of the horse’s registration papers
Copy of the last recorded owner’s current ABRA membership card
Current ABRA youth membership card, whenever making entries in ABRA youth classes
Owner of the horse must be listed on the show entry form as the last recorded owner on the registration papers.
For rules not included in this section governing Youth classes refer to rules for corresponding Open and Amateur Division events.
Points will be awarded following the same point system used in the Open Division.
The recorded owner of the horse may also show the horse during the lease term, but only in classes other than those in which the youth lessee is exhibiting the horse.
Both parties must have an ABRA membership
The Lease application must be filed in the ABRA office at least 30 days prior to showing the equine in ABRA youth classes.
ABRA will reduce the 30 day waiting period to 15 days when accompanied by a rush fee, providing the lessee can show proof the equine is currently under lease with an ABRA recognized breed association.