ABRA Registration
An ABRA equine is found in all types of equine, and for this reason, all types are eligible for registration. ABRA registers light horses, draft horses, mules, ponies, and minis. Separate registries exist for each breed type. An ideal buckskin is an equine that most closely represents the ideals of its particular breed type.
ABRA registers light equines. Equines are typically 56 inches (14–16 hands (1.42–1.63m) at four (4) years of age.
ABRA registers Miniature equines, Ponies, and Mules in a separate section of the registry. Miniature equines, Ponies, and Mules may not compete in equine classes, but they will follow the rules and regulations as outlined in the equine section for their respective classes.
Miniature equines measuring 38” or less at the last mane hair will be put in the Miniature Equine Division. Equines under 56” (14 hands) at the wither will be put in the Pony Division. Draft horses are usually 16–18 hands (1.63–1.83m).
No equine that exhibits Gray or Roan characteristics, even though they may possess dun factor markings, is eligible for registration.
BUCKSKIN: Body coat some shade of tan, from very light (cream) to very dark (bronze). Points (mane, tail, legs and ear frames) are black or dark brown and will never have zebra stripes on the legs.
DUN: Body coat some shade of tan, from very light (cream) to a dull or smutty brown (earth tone). Points, dorsal stripe, zebra stripes, and other dun factor markings may be black or brown. The mane and tail will always be black. The dorsal stripe must run the entire length of the topline.
RED DUN: The body coat ranges from pale red to gold or light tan. Mane and tail are any shade of red to cream, even appearing flaxen. Points, dorsal stripe, zebra stripes and other dun factor markings are red to reddish brown. The dorsal stripe must run the entire length of the topline.
GRULLA: (Grew-ya) Body coat slate colored from light blue gray to a mousey shade of gray. Points, dorsal stripe, zebra stripes and other dun factor markings are black. The head may appear black or very dark brown. The dorsal stripe must run the entire length of the topline.
DUNALINO: Body coat shades of tan from very light to very dark gold color with white or frosted mane and tail. Points, dorsal stripe, zebra stripes and other dun factor markings may be black or brown. The dorsal stripe must run the entire length of the topline.
PERLINO WITH DUN FACTOR: Body coat shades of cream with pink skin and (usually) blue eyes. Mane, tail, legs are darker than their coat color in shades of red, coffee or tan. Points, dorsal stripe, zebra stripe and other Dun Factor markings may be reddish to brown. The Dorsal stripe must run the entire length of the topline.
CHAMPAGNE/PEARL: Equines that have Champagne/Pearl characteristics will be considered for Regular Registry if they visually meet the coat color requirements of a Buckskin or Dun.