Amateur Horse Showing
ABRA will provide an annual ABRA Amateur Honor Roll award for those amateurs who have accumulated the highest number of ABRA points in each of the approved Amateur events in that calendar year.
Points are based on a one Amateur/one horse, Amateur/one miniature horse, Amateur/one pony, or one mule combination.
A minimum of five (5) points must have been earned in a respective class during that calendar year to be eligible for an Amateur Honor Roll award.
Awards will be given to the five (5) high point amateurs in each event.
Additional Amateur Honor Roll awards (Champion and Reserve Champion) will be given to the Amateurs who have earned the highest total number of ABRA points in that calendar year.
The purpose of the ABRA Amateur Register of Merit (ROM) is to establish a record of performance and recognize outstanding amateurs in halter and performance events.
An amateur/equine combination will be advanced to the Amateur Register of Merit when they have won at least ten (10) points in any approved ABRA Amateur class.
The title ABRA Amateur Champion will be awarded to any Amateur and their ABRA registered equine which has earned forty (40) points in six (6) or more shows under six (6) or more different judges.
Ten (10) points must be earned in an Amateur halter class, two (2) Performance ROMs from the approved Amateur classes must be earned in 2 categories, with the remaining points earned in any approved Amateur event.
The title ABRA Amateur Superior Event Horse, miniature horse, pony or mule will be awarded to any amateur/equine combination which have earned fifty (50) or more points in one (1) ABRA recognized amateur event. A horse may receive this title for each approved Amateur class.
The term or title ABRA Amateur Versatility Award is hereby, from this date and in the future, reserved by the said
Association for its express use and awarded to individual ABRA registered equine which meet the requirements set out in the following sections.
At such time as any ABRA registered equine qualifies on points won for the ABRA Amateur Versatility Award, the records will be submitted to the secretary for his/her approval.
The title ABRA Amateur Versatility Award will be awarded and certificate prepared when an amateur and his or her
ABRA registered equine have won a minimum of eight (8) Registers of Merit in 5 of 8 amateur performance categories with a Superior Award earned in one (1) amateur event.
Amateur halter classes are not included in this award.
This award has been established to honor any amateur and his/her ABRA registered equine which have earned 100 (one hundred) or more points in any one (1) ABRA recognized amateur event.
An amateur rider/equine combination may receive this title for each separate event in which they have earned 100 (one hundred) points.
ABRA registered equine earning one hundred (100) points as stated above will receive the ABRA Amateur Bronze Medallion award.
ABRA registered equine earning two hundred (200) points as stated above will receive the ABRA Amateur Silver Medallion award.
ABRA registered equine earning three hundred (300) points as stated above will receive the ABRA Amateur Gold Medallion award.
The title ABRA Amateur Supreme Champion will be awarded to any Amateur and their ABRA registered equine which has earned one hundred forty-five (145) points in six (6) or more shows under six (6) or more different judges.
Fifteen (15) points must be earned in an Amateur halter class.
One (1) Superior Award in an Amateur Performance event.
A minimum of eight (8) ROMs from the approved Amateur classes in five (5) of eight (8) amateur performance categories.
The remaining points may be earned in any approved Amateur event.