JR/SR Youth Ambassador Program
The ABRA Youth Ambassador program is for youth 18 years and under who actively promote and support ABRA and its activities.
The Youth Ambassador program has two age groups:
Senior Ambassador (14-18 years)
Junior Ambassador (13 & under)
During the Annual ABRA World Championships, Youth Ambassador contestants are given age-appropriate patterns to perform as part of the competition to win the opportunity to represent ABRA as a Youth Ambassador. The Youth Ambassador's positions last one year. After their year as Ambassador, they will pass down their title to the following year's winners.
Ambassador winners receive an embroidered sash and personalized silver buckle.
Youth Ambassador contestants and Reinign Youth Ambassadors are featured in the official ABRA World Show Sourvenir program, ABRA website, and ABRA social media outlets.
Deadline to apply is JUNE 1